Tune Track app story: Top charts 40 countries, 4M downloads

23 Apr 2024
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Tune Track
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TuneTrack gives you access to statistics like Top Tracks and Top Artists with numerous ways to filter and organize the data. All of this information is now available on-demand with a variety of additional features, including:

  • Advanced filtering: View precise data for any media over any time period.
  • One-tap playlists: Easily create a playlist of your top tracks and share it with friends.
  • Easily share data: TuneTrack lets you easily export your top artists, tracks, and albums.
  • Now Playing widgets: Easily pick between widgets for Spotify and the Music app to display and control playback of your currently playing song.
  • Customization: TuneTrack comes built-in with configurable themes and app icons, so you can personalize the app to your liking.

👀 How was the idea born?

When iOS 14 was announced, Apple heavily marketed the addition of widgets on the Home Screen. I thought that the idea of widgets created a lot of really cool opportunities for new types of apps, so as an avid music listener, my first idea was to build a widget that would display my currently playing Spotify song. I quickly prototyped the feature and posted a basic demo on Twitter the day after the iOS 14 Developer Beta was released.
My app solely blew up because of social media... Firstly, I believe that I made a quality product. I made sure that the onboarding process for new users was as easy as possible, and I think that really helped. Secondly, it was shareable. I personally believe that’s the biggest key to getting your product spread on social media. If users have something that they can share with others, that’s a huge step towards just getting your product out there.

📖 Before TuneTrack

That summer was quite honestly one of the most jam-packed I’ve ever had. In June, I found an article about some winners of Apple’s WWDC Scholarship. The WWDC Scholarship is a competition held every year by Apple, where students from across the world submit projects built on Apple’s platforms to have a shot at winning. Only 350 students win every year, and the winners get the opportunity to visit Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California for a week

I was awestruck that there were kids my age and even often younger winning this, and I made it my goal to win the competition in the next year (2020). This meant that I had to learn Swift, in order to build iOS applications and Swift playgrounds, which was the medium via which the submission was created

So, in my infinite wisdom, I decided to read a 1,000+ page book called App Development with Swift published by Apple.

bookIOS dev book

What I didn’t realize at the time is that I’m extremely impatient, and reading a book to learn programming was excruciatingly boring, let alone one of that length. I did that every day for a couple hours for a few weeks until my summer internship began in July. That internship meant I would be occupied from around 7am-5pm every day, but never to be deterred, I instead kept working through the book during the nights until 1am every day for the rest of the summer. By the end of summer, I was nearly done with the book. Hooray, right? The only issue was I felt like I had learned nothing. Sure, reading through a 1,000 page book seemed like a great way to learn a new programming language at the time, but I gained no practical experience throughout the process, and as I kept going and the principles became more and more complex, I was unconsciously becoming more and more disengaged. I had realized how little I learned too late, and because the school year was starting, I no longer had time to dedicate hours and hours a day to learning Swift, and thus I stopped. I had no interest in building my own app due to a lack of time, so I didn’t have any motivation to continue learning Swift, especially since the WWDC Scholarship applications were only due to open in another 9 months.

So life went on as usual. I learned Node.js over winter break in 2019 because I wanted to learn how to make desktop applications, but other than that, not much really happened in terms of self-growth as a developer. I was looking forward to March, when the WWDC Scholarship applications were meant to open. Unfortunately, as we all know now, March in 2020 didn’t exactly turn out the way we expected it to.

🔮 TuneTrack: The Beginning

A few hours later, after I recovered from the initial shock of actually winning the scholarship I had set out a full year ago to apply for, I had a sudden burst in motivation. I wanted to make my own app. After dreaming about it for years as a child, I finally had the motivation and the ability to build my own app. And that’s exactly what I set out to do. I spent the next week brainstorming ideas. I often tell people that the idea is the most difficult part of a project, and I still stand by that claim. Not having anything productive to do because you don’t have an idea is one of the most frustrating feelings in the world.

Demo of the appMy initial concept design/ideas for TuneTrack

Eventually, I settled on music statistics. As an avid music fan, I listened to hours of music every day. I hated waiting until December every year to see my Spotify Wrapped statistics, and I wanted to find a solution. I checked the Spotify API documentation and learned that they gave access to some of this data, and Apple’s on-device APIs allowed you to track your data on the Music app.

This was an idea I knew would benefit many of my friends, and supporting both Apple Music and Spotify seemed like a great way to attract potential users

So I set out to build it. Over the next two weeks, I spent around 8 hours a day working on the application (soon to be known as TuneTrack), until I finally had a version I was happy with. I tried to buy a developer account from Apple so I could start beta testing the app, but due to issues with Apple’s internal system, it took me over a month to get an account.

At this point it was late July, and I knew I had limited time before school began again in some form. I quickly entered the application into beta testing, and after a week of beta testing by a few hundred users I got off Twitter and Reddit, the app was ready for primetime.

On August 9th, I released TuneTrack, my first ever iOS app, onto the App Store. It experienced a great deal of success, garnering over 5,000 downloads within its first 3 days of release. I was ecstatic! People really enjoyed using TuneTrack, and over the next month, it got over 100 reviews and kept a 4.9 star rating. Now that TuneTrack was out, I decided to start focusing on school and college applications, as this was the year I’d finally be applying for college.

💰 Monetisation

IAPs were surprisingly effective!

Since I'm not allowed to charge for access to anything that uses Spotify's API features, I included some IAPs that would enable the user to customize the colors of the app and the widget.

I found that many people used the widget part of the app to customize their Home Screen and were willing to pay a small fee in exchange for more customization options.

As for monetization advice, I would suggest that you make sure that your paid features clearly enhance the user's experience with your app - if the user can't tell why they should pay for something, they won't.

📈 Growth Timeline

TuneTrack GrowthApp growth timeline